Tag: economics

Conflict of Visions Explained header

The Conflict of Visions explained

My other post (found here) explains the essence of the two visions and should be read first. Here, I want to dive a little deeper into the implications of the different visions. I’ll offer a brief explanation ...
Rugged landscape

Grounding radical change

You may have previously read my piece that got published in the Marriott Student Review about Refining Porter’s Five Forces. I recently remembered that I had also written this guy for the MSR. This one wasn’t ...

Rugged landscapes explained

Coming up with good strategies can be really hard. In 1997, Daniel A. Levinthal wrote a paper called “Adaptation on Rugged Landscapes” explaining a bit about how life works and why it makes good strategy so difficult. ...
The Durf being selfish

Self Interested does not mean selfish

When People Hear “Self-Interested,” They Often Think of Jerks “Self-interest” tends to be an ugly phrase among non-economists (particularly sociologists to my limited experience.)  For many people it implies screwing other people over, taking advantage ...