Consulting help

I was fortunate enough to navigate the consulting interview process and get a job at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). I received a lot of help along the way, and want to share with you some of the advice I received or developed.

These posts are listed in reverse chronological order. Since I started roughly with the most important tips first, I recommend starting at the bottom and working you way up.

Have I missed any tips? Let me know in the comments or by emailing me at

Consulting help
Illustration of a merger of The Durfs

The culture opportunity

I’ve given a variety of case interviews that include evaluating a merger or acquisition. The question usually takes some form of “is this acquisition a good idea or not?” Nearly every candidate includes “culture” as ...
Consulting help
The Durf doing social impact

Social impact in consulting

Consulting attracts a dynamic and interesting group of people. Many of us want meaningful work, but want to contribute to society as well. As a result, consulting firms often participate in social impact in a ...
Consulting help
You are special with The Durf

Specializiation in consulting

Consulting hopefuls often ask me about specialization. Some ask in hopes of locking themselves to a topic they feel passionate about. Others want to make sure they won’t get stuck in something they don’t like. ...
Consulting help
The Durf resume checklist

Resume checklist

I’ve reviewed a bunch of resumes by now, and many of them suffer from the same problems. I’ve consolidated many of the things that people can improve on to this checklist. I recommend going through it ...
Consulting help
The Durf ready for a phone interview

Tips for a phone interview

Most of the interviews that I do with people are over the phone. Most practice interviews with consultants will happen by phone. McKinsey’s first round interviews are typically by phone. If you want to get ...
Consulting help
Case interview controversy with The Durf

Case interview controversies

When practicing case interviews with different people, I would occasionally receive mutually exclusive feedback from two different interviewers. Whenever there was a conflict between what a consultant said and a fellow student said I always ...
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