Consulting help Tips for networking with consulting firms Networking is an essential part of nearly every hiring process, and in consulting, it’s more than just being friends with people. A good contact will be able to help refine your resume, get your resume looked ...
Consulting help Tips for the “fit” interview The “Fit” portion of an interview for a management consulting portion is just as important as the case portion. It’s easy to get caught up in the case practice, but spend time to make sure ...
Consulting help Tips for a phone interview Most of the interviews that I do with people are over the phone. Most practice interviews with consultants will happen by phone. McKinsey’s first round interviews are typically by phone. If you want to get ...
Consulting help Three tips to handle scary interviewers Primarily as a way of testing your professionalism (see my post on the essence of the case interview), interviewers will sometimes do or say things that cause inexperienced candidates to sweat. Here are 3 tips to deal with ...
Consulting help How to be a better case interviewer It’s easy to overlook the importance of being a good case interviewer when preparing for management consulting interviews. Since you’ll need to give almost as many cases as you take, you and your fellow applicants ...
Consulting help Show confidence in case interviews (even if you ... Take a look at the exhibit above. After taking a moment to digest it, can you state the key take-away? Good. We can talk more about interpreting exhibits in a case interview another time, but I wanted ...
Consulting help The essence of the case interview As the concept of the case interview has matured, increasing legions of case gurus have swarmed the internet with tips, tricks, and tactics. The dizzying array of advice can be hard to sift through and understand. ...
Consulting help Case interview controversies When practicing case interviews with different people, I would occasionally receive mutually exclusive feedback from two different interviewers. Whenever there was a conflict between what a consultant said and a fellow student said I always ...
Consulting help How to question a case interview prompt After an interviewer gives you the initial spiel on the company and problem that you need to solve, you will have a moment to ask some clarifying questions. Here are some tips to use this time ...
Consulting help Hypothesis based testing in case interviews You can’t learn about case interviews without hearing about hypothesis based testing. Few people do a good job of this, so I thought I would give some guidance on what hypothesis based testing means and how ...